About Us


Stepping Stones for Biodiversity is a charity group based in Suffolk striving to try and manage small chunks of land back into their natural habitat, benefiting the reintroduction of wildlife.  

The name ‘Stepping Stones’ suitably defines the main aim of this charity, creating a pathway of sanctuaries for British wildlife within urban areas.

Trustees of the Charity have been working proactively to seek the best advice from other experts, conservationists, and environmentalists to ensure our objectives are in line with their constitution. The Charity is linked and affiliated with other local voluntary groups and initiatives connected to Public Health & well-being as we believe working together is the best solution for the preservation of wildlife.

Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership Principles & Benefits

Our charity holds work parties all year round on our stepping stone sites. These practical, down-to-earth projects have a positive impact on the surrounding environment by providing space for nature to thrive alongside people. At the same time, human communities benefit greatly from these initiatives. For example, community projects help to:

  • build neighbourhood relations
  • provide opportunities for physical activity
  • improve well-being through increased contact with nature
  • increase safety in previously isolated areas
  • enhance practical skills
  • generate a feeling of “belonging to a neighbourhood”
  • generate pride in the community and a strong local identity. Woodlands, village greens, and meadows, together with their associated invertebrates, birds, mammals, and plants, are all benefiting from the commitment and enterprise groups amongst many other villages in Suffolk.

The Charity was set up to create a small number of small managed woodland and biodiversity habitats to enhance local environments. These initiatives and the Charities’ aims have been carefully considered and planned. They are in line with Government’s and EU Climate Change Agenda, DEFRA and Natural England’s Steer (Stewardship funding and grant opportunities), Suffolk Biological Partnership Policies, Local Authorities need to project Heritage and Cultural Assets.

Individual trustees are seeking expert advice and guidance from Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership; Suffolk Community Biodiversity Project; DEFRA; Department of Communities and Local Government; English Heritage; 20 Century Society; local Conservation and Urban Design experts; Suffolk Preservation Society; local tree wardens; arborists and environmentalists; ecologist; Suffolk Biological Records Office; Suffolk Nationalist Society; Suffolk Hedgerow Survey Expert; Suffolk County Council specialist teams, including those with responsibility for local Protected Species; Suffolk Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group; British Trust for Ornithology; Bug Life; CPRE; Woodland Trust; National Trust and former local MPs with a specialist interest.

Check out more about us and our aims on our website, or even follow us on social media on our contact us page!